Something Big is Coming…
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is known for our large herd of reticulated giraffe and soon, you’ll be able to experience them in a whole new way! We’re in the final planning stages of The Giraffe Project, which includes: building a brand-new giraffe barn, as well as expanding their outdoor habitat, adding a South America exhibit, and so much more!
A New Giraffe Building
It’s hard to believe, but our African Rift Valley exhibit, home to our renowned giraffe herd, was built 20 years ago! In that time, we’ve learned a lot about providing world-class giraffe care, becoming experts in the field. Our new, nearly-10,000 square foot barn will provide almost four times a much giraffe space, plus natural substrates, an innovative roof that will provide natural light, and lots of opportunities for our guests to interact with our herd.
Larger, Complex Outdoor Living Space
Because we’re moving the main road that currently runs through the center of the Zoo, we’re taking that space to enlarge the giraffe yard. This yard upgrade will feature a new feeding tower, new spaces for giraffe, and will even allow the herd to explore hills for the first time.
A New South America Exhibit
With lots of new animals and new species, this exhibit space will be teaming with wildlife giving our guests a truly tropical experience.
And so much more!
This Project is BIG!
And we’d love for you to be a part of it. As one of only a handful of AZA-accredited zoos that operates without tax support, we are able to continue to build and improve exhibits because of friends like you.