International Center for the Care & Conservation of Giraffe
What is the International Center for the Care and Conservation of Giraffe?
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo has a long history of caring for a large herd of prolific, interactive giraffe that participate in daily guest feedings, weekly hoof care, and a wide variety of trained husbandry and medical procedures. The herd has seen over 200 giraffe calf births, and the team who cares for them is passionate about learning more, teaching more, and building a network to advance the care of these beautiful creatures. The International Center for the Care and Conservation of Giraffe is a concentrated effort by CMZoo to consolidate resources and expand educational programs in order to improve and enrich the lives of giraffe in human care throughout the world.
Giraffe & Okapi Conference
January 20-24, 2025
Where: The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens,
Palm Desert/Indian Wells, California
Registration and hotel information coming soon!
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s International Center for the Care and Conservation of Giraffe is partnering with The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens to bring you an exciting, informative giraffe conference that is focused on improving welfare for our long-necked friends, bot in-situ and ex-situ. We will be putting out a call for abstracts this summer, and are looking forward to the giraffe community working together to present on progressive topics. This will be an exciting time to network and align with people from a variety of backgrounds, including field partners, AZA facilities, ZAA facilities and private owners. We’re reaching toward new heights, so mark your calendars – we hope to see you there!
World Giraffe Day - June 21!
Join us in celebrating giraffes on the longest day of the year, Friday, June 21, 2024! We will have lots of fun activities at CMZoo from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., and we hope to see you for our 10 a.m. Giraffe Parade, wearing your giraffe-best. Meet our herd and their keepers in African Rift Valley throughout the giraffe plaza, boardwalk, and barn. Make sure to check out our live-streaming Giraffe Cams, too! Advance tickets required.
Our Goals
- Improve the quality of veterinary care available for giraffe in human care and leverage that information for field conservation.
- Continue to advance behavioral husbandry practices to improve giraffe welfare.
- Establish Emergency Response Teams worldwide to respond to giraffe health emergencies and field conservation needs.
CMZoo-Hosted Workshops
Love giraffe as much as we do?
Get involved! Your support of the International Center for the Care and Conservation of Giraffe will help us care for giraffe across the country and around the world.
To make a donation, please contact Kelley Parker, Director of Development, at
719-424-7810 | [email protected]